Learn From Practitioners...

Digital Analyst Organization™ is a nonprofit organization that partners up with successful entrepreneurs and gives you free access to knowledge, workshops, and resources. Learn from real-world business experts and thought leaders.
Whether you’re exploring entrepreneurship for the first time, scaling an existing business or interested in impacting more lives – you’re in the right place.
As a mission-driven organization, we’re relentlessly pursuing our vision of a world where entrepreneurs and visionaries can build a thriving business and reach their true inner potential without obstacles.

Changing Lives and Empowering people with knowledge...

There is a wealth of untapped potential worldwide; people are locked into lower social-economic groups, uneducated, unskilled, stuck in dead-end jobs, or pigeonholed into places and positions they find unfulfilling with no way out.

Access to development resources is limited. Expert advice, programs, and mentorship are only available to those who can afford it and know where to look.

Our goal is to help aspiring entrepreneurs get access to education, and entrepreneurial resources that will enhance life opportunities and this benefits everyone! Entrepreneurs create jobs and contribute back to society.

We aim to ultimately unlock a host of benefits in wealth generation, employment creation, and more.


Driving initiatives to equalize opportunities for the disadvantaged, while nurturing a culture of success and paying it forward. Our mission is simple, helping students become entrepreneurs. Give hope to the unemployed with our free training programs, and help our veterans get into entrepreneurship.

We believe education provides a firm foundation for success therefore lack of technology should not be a block to future success.

We have partnered up with a network of reputable entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 companies, and mentors who are offering free or discounted training programs to our valuable members.

Like to partner with us and make a difference? Connect with us and we will set up a zoom meeting.


Our Vision is to create equal opportunity for all. A level playing field, where there is access to education, opportunity, and essential support, to make ideas into a reality. We are the equalizers - We may not be able to change it all, but where we focus, we narrow the gap between those who have and those who don’t.


To create opportunities for people to succeed in life and in business. Then to enable them to encourage and mentor the future generation. Paying it forward, with the aim of creating a culture in business where we help each other to succeed, not fail.